This research is being done to test the impact cough has on quality of life. Participants will help doctors identify important aspects of chronic cough by using questionnaires and other tests.
Adults who fit the following criteria may be eligible to join this study:
• Are at least 18 years or older
• Have chronic cough for at least 3 consecutive months.
• Non-smoker
Study Details:
COCO is a 4-week study, with 2 clinic visits. Visit 1 will be approximately 2 hours long, and visit 2 will be approximately 1.5 hours long. Procedures at these study visits will include:
-Answer questions about your overall health and cough
-Complete multiple choice questions about your cough symptoms and daily activates
-Complete a spirometry test (breathing test) at the first visit
-Have a brief physical exam with include having your height and weight measured
-Complete a Cough Diary for the 4 weeks between visits
-Have a blood draw
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Network
Principal Investigator:
Lynn B. Gerald, PhD, MSPH
Co-Principal Investigator:
Monica Kraft, MD
Contact Information:
Contact our research staff for more information