Losartan Effects on Emphysema Progression (LEEP)

Trial Status: 


This research is being done to see if a medicine used to treat high blood pressure, Losartan, can slow the damage to the lungs in people who have COPD with emphysema. Currently, there are some medications for COPD to reduce symptoms and prevent exacerbations.  However, there are no treatments to slow or stop the progression of the disease.


Adults who fit the following criteria may be eligible to join this stud

• Are at least 40 years old                                                                                                                 

• Have mild to severe COPD with emphysema                                                                                

• Are a current or former smoker

Study Details: 

LEEP is a 52-week (1 year) study.  There will be 7 clinic visits at 6 to 12 week intervals.  Study visits will take from 1.5 - 4 hours. Procedures at these study visits will include:                                

• Questionnaires and follow-up assessments about your COPD, breathing, general health, and medical history                                                                                                                                                

• A HRCT scan at the first and last visit                                                                                                      

• A lung function test (spirometry) at the first, last, and one other visit                                             

• A physical exam at the first, last, and one other visit                                                                           

• Collecting blood at the first, last, and one other visit                                                                           


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)


Pulmonary Trials Consortium and the American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Network



Principal Investigator:

 Lynn B. Gerald, PhD, MSPH 

Co-Principal Investigator: 

Monica Kraft, MD

Contact Information: 

Asthma & Airway Disease Research Center Research Staff



Principal Investigator: 
Research Area: 
Clinical and Population Research