Multi-Center Validation of Predictive Sputum Bio-markers in CF (Utah Sputum Study)

Trial Status: 
Current Trial - Enrolling


A year-long study found two candidate biomarkers able to predict clinical outcomes in CF, HMGB-1 and free NE activity. Subjects will be enrolled if able to spontaneously produce sputum. The sputum will be collected at baseline, at time of first pulmonary exacerbation, recovery, and 1 year post baseline.

Study status:

 Enrolling by physician discretion only


Investigator Initiated, University of Utah, Cystic Fibrosis Center, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Principal Investigator: 

Cori Daines, MD

Contact Information:

Osmara Y. Molina de Rodriguez, MS

Cell: (520) 891-6767 or Office: (520) 626-3910

Principal Investigator: 
Research Area: 
Clinical and Population Research