PreCISE (Precise Intervention for Severe and/or Exacerbation-Prone Asthma) Network Study

Trial Status: 
Current Trial - Enrolling


PrecISE is a clinical study sponsored by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to investigate several treatments for severe asthma. PrecISE will enroll 800 adults and teenagers (ages 12 years and older) with severe asthma who have symptoms that are not well-controlled on high dose of inhaled corticosteroids including those who have frequent asthma attacks. Each person who agrees to enroll in the PrecISE study will receive several treatments for research purposes based on their type of severe asthma. The goal of PrecISE is to understand how to treat different types of severe asthma, by using precision medicine. Precision medicine is an approach that targets treatments to defined subgroups of patients who share similar characteristics, for example, patients with a certain genetic variation or patients with high number of blood eosinophils. Researchers from over 30 locations across the US, as well as sites in Canada and the United Kingdom, are involved in PrecISE.

Inclusion criteria:

1. Provision of signed and dated informed consent form

2. Started willingness to comply with all study procedures and availability for the duration of the study

3. Male or female, age ≥ 12 years

4. No change in asthma medications for the past 2 months and use of medium or high dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (defined by Table 1A) + an additional asthma controller/biologic (defined in Tables 1B and 1C). Participants entered into the run-in on medium dose ICS will be switched to high dose ICS. They must meet all entry criteria at the time of randomization including the criteria for uncontrolled asthma as assessed by symptoms during the two weeks prior to the randomization.

5. Baseline poor or uncontrolled asthma, defined as meeting at least one of the following:

                    a.FEV1 <80% predicted (for adults ≥18) or FEV1<90% (pediatric participants <18) AND with 12% bronchodilator reversibility
                    b.Poor symptom control - Asthma Control Questionnaire ( ACQ-6) Score ≥1.5
                    c.≥1 exacerbation defined as a documented burst of systemic corticosteroids (>3 days for adults and adolescents or >1 day for adolescents treated with dexamethasone) in prior year for those not receiving chronic OCS or an increase in >50% of baseline corticosteroid dose for ≥3 days in those receiving chronic OCS.

  • For patients on a biologic agent, at least one asthma exacerbation must have occurred at least 2 months after the initiation of the biologic agent. The definition of acceptable documentation for asthma exacerbations can be found in Section 6.5.3.

6. Evidence of asthma demonstrated by either bronchodilator reversibility or methacholine responsiveness either during the run-in or by historical evidence of either criterion if testing was performed under the same standards of the PrecISE Network at a PrecISE recruitment center. These criteria are defined as:

                    a.An increase in FEV1 ≥12% (and 200 ml) after up to 8 puffs of albuterol OR
                    b.Positive methacholine defined as PC20 ≤16 mg/ml, or PD20 ≤400 mcg/ml

7. Agreement to adhere to Lifestyle Considerations (see Section 5.4) throughout the study duration
8. Owns a device compatible with the eDiary system used for CompEx, that is, an iOS 11+ device such as iPhone, iPad or iPod, or a smartphone or tablet running on Android 5.0+



PI Names:

Drs. Monica Kraft and Eugene R. Bleecker 

Dates of the study:

February 2020 -June 2023 


Precise Website  


Principal Investigator: 
Research Area: 
Clinical and Population Research